Our June 2014 issue is now available!
Market Trends: Abrasives Demand Continues Growth: Global demand for abrasives is expected to reach $40 billion in 2017.
Glass Innovation: Glass at the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™: Player benches use Asahi Glass' chemically strengthened glass for better visibility, durability and damage resistance.
Modern Mechanical Carbon Materials for Aircraft Seal Applications: Many commercial and military aircraft seal applications could benefit from mechanical carbon solutions.
Ceramic Decorating: Deco '14 is a Success: The Society of Glass and Ceramic Decorated Products celebrated 50 years at the recent Deco meeting in Pittsburgh.
Rare Earths Worldwide: Rare earths supply and demand patterns will likely undergo several changes in the next few years
Market Trends: Smart Auto Glass Continues Growth: Multiple applications will drive the increased use of smart glass in the automotive industry.
Product Spotlight: Tile Manufacturing Line: New technology offers simplicity, product flexibility and lower costs.
Glass Innovation: Unbreakable Glass Cover Composite: A new material composite for displays prevents glass splinters in vehicle crashes.
Understanding Ceramic Material Behavior During Rapid Heat Treatments: Optical measurement methods can help ceramic engineers optimize fast firing techniques.
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