Our May 2014 issue is now available!
Market Trends: Advanced Ceramics on the Upswing: The global advanced ceramics market is projected to exceed $75 billion by 2020.
Brick & Clay Record: Supplier Support: Suppliers are working hard to help the brick industry adapt to a challenging marketplace.
Investing in Ceramics: Furnace Manufacturer Marks a Milestone: Centorr Vacuum Industries celebrates its 60th anniversary this year.
Case Study: High-Performance Vibrators Improve Hopper Performance for Refractories Manufacturer: Effective vibrators can remove leftover materials from hopper walls and prevent product contamination.
Yokoten: Multiplying Lean Success in Ceramic and Glass Manufacturing: When properly implemented, yokoten thinking can continuously improve processes throughout ceramic and glass organizations.
Ceramic Oxide-Based Nuclear Fuel Materials: Critical Considerations and Advancements in Thermal Processing: Advanced thermal processing technology can help nuclear fuel producers meet increasing industry demands.
Focus On: Managing a Kiln Factory: Company President Todd Lokash discusses some of the ideas he is bringing to Paragon.
Case Study: Dryer Recovers High-Value Clay Product: An integrated dryer-dust collector recovers fine clay at Southern Clay Products.
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