The Supermill with ceramic execution offers a range of benefits and features, including engineered materials to suit specific process applications, durable quality construction, fully customizable, capable of handling media to .25 mm, and a metal contamination-free milling environment.
The 0.5 Liter Planetary Mixer (PLM 0.5) is designed to be the most efficient pilot plant unit available for the development and testing of new products.
The Grand SlamT Series of horizontal shaft impactors reportedly uses high-chrome metallurgy to significantly increase the wear life of machine components, reducing metal replacement costs.
Pyro-PaintT 634-AS is a high temperature, alumina-silica based refractory coating and sealant, which can be used to embed heating elements in ceramic fiber boards.
This company has negotiated a long-term agreement to exclusively manufacture and market the GYCO, Inc. RayMasR mass flow meter, reportedly the first product to measure mass flow in a pneumatic conveying application with no moving parts or mechanical device coming into contact with materials.
According to the company, introducing traces of niobium during the production of soft ferrites reduces power loss and improves the surface morphology of ferrite bodies.
PocoFoam is the tradename of a new thermal management material. According to the company, this material is a lightweight, strong graphite foam with exceptionally high thermal conductivity.