A Kurt Manufacturing DoveLock™ jaw setup on Cluster Towers™ at IDEX Health & Science is effectively handling the precision machining of custom glass flowcells. Slipstream™ flowcells are flat glass devices that allow liquid samples to flow through a measurement region for automated analysis.
Union Process, Inc. recently announced that it has manufactured a pilot-sized mill for cryogenic grinding that reportedly includes a specially designed stainless steel-insulated cryogenic milling chamber.
The F-Series™ (flared) cage mill reportedly features a unique flared discharge opening, efficiently reducing the wettest and stickiest of materials (abrasive or nonabrasive) without clogging.
In the disk mill, the material to be ground is comminuted by pressure and shearing action between two counteracting grinding disks with coarse interlocking teeth.
The premium model of the Fritsch disk mill for efficient fine grinding of hard-brittle to medium-hard solids is reportedly ideal for medium particle sizes.
As part of a long-term plant modernization plan, Turkey-based Graniser Seramik recently turned to Sacmi to supply a new production line for the manufacture of porcelain tile.
Many people would say that the economy is picking up—or at a minimum, no longer stagnant. As their businesses grow, ceramic manufacturers can choose to handle external and internal growth requirements in different ways.
Non-oxide ceramic powder producers are improving chemistry, processing and crystal structure, while also employing new synthesis methods for their products.
The ceramic powder market is facing the same old challenges as it directly follows the demand for ceramic parts. Market pressures include the increasing use of plastics, glass, intermetallics and newer alloys.
The ceramic industry continues to evolve, and ceramics are now the material of choice in many of today’s processes, industries, and developmental projects. In addition to offering a unique blend of material, mechanical, and chemical properties, the more ceramics are studied and experimented with, the more adaptable they seem to become.