Homer Laughlin Participates in Made in America Week
Since its founding during Ulysses S. Grant’s administration in 1871, HLC has reportedly made its durable, lead-free dinnerware in America.

Homer Laughlin China Co. (HLC) was recently chosen to represent West Virginia in the Made in America Product Showcase as part of Made in America Week. Only one company from each of the 50 states was selected to be highlighted in the celebration. Since its founding during Ulysses S. Grant’s administration in 1871, HLC has reportedly made its durable, lead-free dinnerware in America.
“Homer Laughlin is so proud to manufacture in the U.S. and to supply jobs to over 800 workers in our community,” said Katie Bricker, director of foodservice marketing for HLC Inc. “To have been recognized for our commitment to being ‘Made in America’ was truly remarkable. HLC has always been interested in American jobs and American manufacturing—we’ve been doing it for 150 years. That’s the kind of commitment we hope to see among all American enterprises.”
For more information, visit www.hlcdinnerware.com.
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