Ceramica Alberdi Improves and Grows with Sacmi Heavy Clay

Argentina-based Ceramica Alberdi has partnered with Later-Cer S.A. Group to implement major restructuring of its production plant in Rosario. This new corporate framework, called Ceramica Rosario S.A., recently enlisted Sacmi Heavy Clay to help with the task of restructuring the factory, which currently produces 18,000 tons/month of a range of construction brick and blocks.
In addition to an increase in both output capacity and final product quality, key project features reportedly include a strong focus on energy savings, a key element on highly competitive markets like Argentina. The work involves the installation of a new cutting line for wide-outfeed machines. This line features all the systems and devices need to achieve improved product quality, such as widespread use of conveyor belts instead of rollers, on-the-move wire cutting, and a cutting turret compensated to differentiate cutting speeds and empty return speeds.
In addition, the continuous tunnel dryer has undergone almost-total restructuring and now features a main heating chamber and a moist zone recycling circuit. Another key feature of the dryer is internal ventilation, which features moving, high-efficiency cones that keep the airflow accurately directed at the holes in the items to be dried. The advantage of such diffuser cones stems from the use of modern fluid dynamic analysis systems that ensure constant air speed throughout the height of the dryer car. The cones are moved by continuous transmission systems.
The existing tunnel kiln has been given a complete overhaul and equipped with modern equipment, including a pre-heat recycle circuit, lateral high-speed Sacmi burners, and a fast and slow cooling circuit with relative recovery of heat for use in the counter-pressure dryer. An automatic adjustment, control and supervision system for the dryer and kiln completes the project.
For more information, visit www.alberdi.com or www.sacmi.com.
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