Control Instruments to Exhibit at Chem Show

Control Instruments Corp. recently announced that it will be exhibiting in booth 807 at the 2015 Chem Show on November 17-19 at the Javits Center in New York City. The company will showcase its PrevEx® flammability analyzers, which are designed for oven and dryer manufacturers, as well as coating, printing and packaging firms. The technology has reportedly been proven most reliable in the industry, with the highest degree of safety and fastest response time even when sampling a mixture of several different flammable vapors.
Also on display will be the CalorVal BTU analyzer and the SNR650 FID. The CalorVal continuously measures the heating value (calorific value) of gaseous streams of industrial processes. The FID is a high-temperature flame ionization sensor that continuously measures total hydrocarbon concentrations. The multi-channel remote access operator interface will also be demonstrated.
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