Sacmi Bolsters Efficiencies for Peruvian Heavy Clay Producer

January 12, 2015
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A new rapid rack dryer from Sacmi allows Peruvian firm Ladrillos Fortaleza to complete another step in its corporate modernization plans. The dryer is reportedly
capable of efficiently handling a total output of 700 tons of heavy clay per day. Due to the new technology, Ladrillos Fortaleza’s products are reportedly now available in all of Peru’s major cities.

Installation of the 58-rack dyer, complete with relative automated loading-unloading, began at the end of 2014; the dryer is expected to become operational by the end of the summer this year. In addition, this order also includes automated solutions for stacking on the cars of the existing tunnel kiln (a task currently done manually), thus allowing Ladrillos Fortaleza to achieve even better results in terms of cost optimization and enhanced line efficiency.
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