Union Process Inc. recently announced it has produced a dry grinding batch-type attritor that will be used to mill nano-size particles of various materials for renewable/alternative energy or green energy sources. The explosion-proof 30SD attritor has a gross tank volume of 53 gal. Options include a process control timer system, as well as an integrated process temperature control warning/shutoff system. The mill is powered by a 40 HP, TEFC, inverter duty motor and uses a 460V/3HP/60Hz, variable frequency drive.
“We have seen a significant increase in the use of our attritors in emerging green technologies, including lithium ion batteries and other forms of alternative energy,” said Arno Szegvari, president. “We are excited to have our equipment and processes continue to play a role in developing better and better technologies for the world.”
For more information, visit www.unionprocess.com.